Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Directions of Desire; Passion is a Freely Accepted Challenge.

The path traveled to #CreatingPhenomenal is never intended to be treacherous. Challenging, yes. Obstacle laden, yes. Action filled, yes. Rewarding, yes. Achieving, yes. There are times where the path thins and resources must be conserved. And when traveling along the path there will be rainy days, sun-filled days, and maybe a few days where the heat of it all becomes a concern. After all this is real life, and on some days you wake up and the path may have disappeared overnight. When this occurs, HOW?!? takes on a whole new meaning, and urgency becomes the sounding call of the day. Along the path you remain committed to Not reaching for easy. But rather, you search for tools and methods that make you better. The delivery of your Passion is a Freely Accepted Challenge; You’re in this for the long haul. You remain dedicated to the discovery and delivery of your Desire of Purpose.

In our last post, Directions of Desire; We Live by Faith… we came to recognize that every triumph of the human spirit began with a single step. Today, we are called to step forward, toward the Direction of our Desire. Today, we are going to walk through a couple of examples where we utilize exchange methodology for the transformation of a notion, idea, or thought into it’s physical equivalence. After these examples, it will be your turn; you will be free to accept the challenge to apply the exchange methodology directly to your Desire of Purpose.

2015-02-10 04.30.33.pngWe find before us three primary Directions of Desire - the desire to BE, the desire to DO, the desire to GIVE. The question of the day is, HOW?!? do I transform a notion, idea, or thought, wrapped in Desire, into it’s physical equivalence?
In Exchange...
When you utilize exchange methodology, you arrange the Directions of Desire into a ring and then expanded your conversation to include the extraordinary convenience at which you are able to recognize your ‘HOW’ direction for the transformation and fulfillment of your Desire of Purpose. Your ‘HOW’ direction is revealed through the isolation of any one Direction of Desire and then combine the remaining two desires as values of exchange. Simplified it works like this…

  • A Desire to BE, is transformed into it’s physical equivalence when a value of exchange is created between to DO, and to GIVE.
  • A Desire to DO, is transformed into it’s physical equivalence when a value of exchange is created between to BE, and to GIVE.
  • A Desire to GIVE, is transformed into it’s physical equivalence when a value of exchange is created between to BE, and to DO.

Here is a very rudimentary, real life example…

Recently, I isolated a thought of directed Desire rooted in GIVE. The thought was an at home project, the desire was to GIVE my wife a quiet space by transforming the side yard into a sitting garden area. The project started as a simple notion; take an unused, barren and neglected 8ft by 40ft space and transform it.
The freely accepted challenge was to take this space, dedicate it’s use to my Wife, and give it back to her transformed into a new physical equivalence. The question is HOW?!? do you take this...

  2015-02-13 12.52.36.jpg
and GIVE it transformation into this…
2015-02-15 08.16.02.jpg

Trust me, I am no landscape or irrigation expert and those rocks are heavy. So HOW?!?
Here is HOW?!?
  • A Desire to GIVE, is transformed into it’s physical equivalence when a value of exchange is created between to BE, and to DO.
That’s right, in order to GIVE, I had to exchange BE and DO… I had to BE a landscape expert, I had to BE an irrigation expert. All very possible things to become in a very short period of time with a little research gained knowledge. I had to DO the work… work the soil to create the shape and slope. I had to DO the actions of moving and arranging rocks, of hauling the wheelbarrow loads of planter soil.
Bullsh!t you say?  Let’s look at another simplified example. Same project… Loving Wife, adds comment - “Oh a planting bench would be nice.”  Of course, my first response was, a what?
“A planting bench,” she replied. “You know a little work bench where I can plant, transplant, unplant, while standing.” What else could I guy do but respond with “Oh… Oh, OK!.”
Let’s disect… Here we are faced with a new Direction of Desire - a Direction of Desire to DO. DO design and build a planting bench for the enjoyment of my wife. Required Exchange: to BE, to GIVE.
So here is how it went… I took two typical wood shipping pallets and transformed their physical equivalence into a planting bench.
From this…

into - This…

2015-02-21 16.09.25.jpg

You see, the transformation of your Desire of Purpose can only occur when the forces of energy applied are Greater Than the value of the notion, idea, or thought. This Exchange of energy is free to occur at any point in space and time, for any Direction of Desire.
Directions of Desire...
Your Passion, aka, your Divine Desire of Purpose, will take form through one of these three Directions of Desire, that is to say; Your embedded Desire of Purpose will show itself as a Desire to BE something, or as a Desire to DO something, or as a Desire to GIVE something. This Direction of Desire emphasizes the unique and undeniable value of your life. You are encoded to Dream, Create and Live a great life; you are to DISCOVER your Desire of Purpose, as it has been embedded within you from birth. Thus, we recognize that the transformation of a notion, idea or thought into physical equivalence must adhere to a direction of flow; that direction is, from inside to-the outside. That' right - the delivery of your Desire of Purpose is an inside job. You already hold all that is needed. Go back to your Map of Obtainment and recognize that your internal AMBITION initiates transformation.

Test Drive...
Want to try it again? - Let’s roll!!   Let’s start simple...

Desire to BE: A Doctor
EXCHANGE: GIVE your compassion for others, coupled with patience and determination to endure the required studies, DO go to Medical School, DO Study, Learn and Apply in confidence the knowledge gained.

Desire to DO: Generate Sales of $2.5M annually.
EXCHANGE: GIVE to understanding a Product or Service capable of supporting this sales volume, BE on the constant look-out for methods to over-deliver added values to this targeted market.

Desire to GIVE: Advance and Promote Highest Human Potential.
EXCHANGE: DO spend 30+ years in the study and application of the principles of Success, Attainment and Personal Development. BE compelled to spend the remaining years of your life to share this with as many people as possible. BE willing to dedicate your efforts to 'Improving the Human Condition'.

Desire to BE: World Resource of Digital Marketing.
EXCHANGE: DO build a network of like-minded resources. DO recognize your network of cognizant relationships; physically (face-to-face) and socially (digital), GIVE your innate personal character to employ the principles of reciprocity with your network.

Desire to DO: Build a Family filled with Love and Mutual Respect.
EXCHANGE: BE patient, loving and kind. BE willing to lead this one by example, GIVE each day in understanding the principles of unconditional love, GIVE your Family relationships in harmony with the Divine Source of unconditional love.

Need we keep going?  ----

I suggest that You give it a try - Need a helping hand? Here is a Link to the DISCOVER / Exchange Worksheet.

Please let me know how this goes for you? No obligations... just interested to know that you found this exercise helpful. If you don't, let me know... we'll improve it based on your feedback. Click Here.

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Take Away Thought:  It is my OneGR8Life. And, I AM responsible to Be, Do, or Have Anything that I Desire. AMBITION initiates the transformation of my notions, ideas, or thoughts into their physical equivalence. This transformation occurs only when I combine and exchange in Greater value. The Universe operates in Equilibrium, in order to BE, DO or GIVE more, I will be invited to become more. I AM willing to combine and exchange in Greater value to fulfill My Desire of Purpose.

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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly; Tuesday
If you found value in this post, please, SHARE IT!

- Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

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Phillip A. Lopez, Author
#CreatingPhenomenal - Learn How to Dream, Create and Live Your One Great Life.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Directions of Desire; We Live by Faith...

'It is My OneGR8Life...

I AM Responsible
to Be, Do, or Give
Anything that I Desire.'
~Phillip A. Lopez

We live by Faith or we do not live at all...
Either we venture or we vegetate. If we venture we do so by Faith! Simply because we cannot know the end of anything at its beginning. Marriage, by Faith; or stay single. Professional achievement, by Faith; or we give-up before we start. Personal Growth, by Faith we free addictions and move mountains; or we are stopped by imaginary mole hills.

Faith however is not tranquil and steady. At its foundation, this is the beauty of Faith; in Faith, you control the volume... Bounce level - Sleep level. You are in complete control! Faith has the ability to ebb and flow like the tides of the restless sea. It is ALWAYS there for your use. Never FAILING, waiting for your beckoning call.

Every triumph of the human spirit began with a single step taken in Faith.

This Faith-filled, single step serves as the small handle to great matters. In the pursuit of your ambitious Desire to deliver your purpose, you must learn to hang on to your handle of Faith; even if for just 5 more minutes. This is how you assure your achievements.

Be, or Do, or Give... Anything that I Desire?
When somebody makes a statement as BOLD as, In this life it is my Responsibility, my Duty, to Be, Do or Give, Anything that I Desire. That person better be ready to defend themselves against, every Nay-Sayer, Pessimist, Glass Half Full'r and 2/3rds of mankind! It's alright if, at first, you find this statement hard to believe. I won't hold it against you. I too almost found it impossible to comprehend when I first ran across this notion almost 25+yrs ago. All I will ask is that you finish reading this post... and then, decide.

Are you Good with this?  Alright then, let's get moving!

Growing your life to get what you desire is not intended to be a complicated struggle. We as individuals add the ingredients of complication; this occurs when we introduce our past collection of experiences, in the forms of education and environment, and then plant the seeds of our desire into a soil of self-imposed limitations. Think about this for just one moment... You are created in a spirit of greatness, for the delivery of self-held greatness. The seeds of self-held desire, are labeled as Purpose and are packaged in the form of a self produced notion, idea or thought. This Desire of Purpose is delivered in a pure and organic form. As a stand-alone seed of desire you hold-within a dream in the form of a notion, idea, or thought. This seed of desire holds un-to itself no limitation(s). Your only obligation of responsibility is to protect the purity of this Desire of Purpose through it's growth and maturity cycle.

-- Stop right there... just hold on a second!

Are you saying that I can Dream, Create and Live a great life by simply directing my notions, ideas and thoughts to uncovering my self-held Desire of Purpose, by simply accepting the responsibility to protect the purity of this Desired Purpose through a course of actions, until this notion, idea or thought is nurtured into its physical equivalence?

YES, I cannot explain it any simpler than that. You have been created to BE, or to DO, or to GIVE. You chose your Desire of Purpose, You protect the purity of that Desire of Purpose until You have nurtured it into it's physical equivalence!

-- But HOW?!?, you ask?

Directions of Desire...
There are three primary directions of desire - Desire to Be Something, Desire to Do Something or the Desire to Give Something... Be, Do or Give. It is easiest to perceive these Directions of Desire when they are displayed in the form of a ring. Check it out - Below, you will find the Ring of Desires.

2015-02-10 04.30.33.pngHerein,  lies a relationship of extraordinary convenience!
Convenience comes forth from within the circle; through the ease at which we are able to recognize our ‘HOW’ direction for the transformation and fulfillment of our Divine Desire of Purpose.

Allow me to explain...

Your Divine Desire of Purpose will take form through one of these three Directions of Desire, that is to say; Your embedded Desire of Purpose will show itself as a Desire to BE something, or as a Desire to DO something, or as a Desire to GIVE something. This Direction of Desire emphasizes the unique and undeniable value of your life. You are encoded to Dream, Create and Live a great life; you are to DISCOVER your Desire of Purpose, as it has been embedded within you from birth. Thus, we recognize that the transformation of a notion, idea or thought into physical equivalence must adhere to a direction of flow; that direction is, from inside to-the outside. That' right - the delivery of your Desire of Purpose is an inside job. You already hold all that is needed. Go back to your Map of Obtainment and recognize that your internal AMBITION initiates transformation.

Equilibrium and the Transformation of Desires...
Once your Desire of Purpose, your something, is Discovered, you will automatically be rewarded with a direction of fulfillment. Your direction of fulfillment, your HOW, will be seen through the combination and exchange of the remaining two desires. Let's quickly explore this concept of combination and exchange...

Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Physics serve us handily here. Through his Law of Equilibrium, Newton teaches us that every action, must posses an equal, yet opposite reaction. Physics teachers like using the example of placing your hands against a wall and then trying to push the wall over. Since the wall does not push-over, the example successfully demonstrates that the force exerted, by your hands pushing against the wall, was equal to, the opposite force exerted by the wall pushing against your hands.

That's right, in order for you to push the wall over, you would need to surmount a force greater than the wall can withstand. It is absolutely No Different with the transformation of an notion, idea or thought into its physical equivalence. You see, the transformation of your Desire of Purpose can only occur when the forces of energy applied are Greater Than the value of the notion, idea, or thought. In this light, you are free to recognize that Big Desires are fully achievable, they are simply waiting for you to Combine and EXCHANGE for forces of energy of greater value. You see, until You create this condition, your Desire of Purpose remains but a Dream.

It would be fair for you to ask... HOW?!? then do I combine and exchange a force of energy Great enough to knock over my Desire of Purpose?

Convenience of Desires...
Photo Feb 10, 4 59 04 AM.png

-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in
the form of Desire to BE something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation
and fulfillment is to combine and exchange,
---   DO something and
---   GIVE something.

Photo Feb 10, 4 59 13 AM.png

-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in the form of Desire to DO something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation
and fulfillment is to combine and exchange,

---   BE something and
---   GIVE something.

Photo Feb 10, 4 59 20 AM.png-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in the form of Desire to GIVE something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation and fulfillment is to combine and exchange,

---   BE something and
---   DO something.

This revelation should jump off the page and hit you in the forehead like a brick! As it did me, once realized. All those years spent agonizing over HOW?!? to start and BAM! one morning I open my eyes and there it is! One single thought, resting on my pillow, looking at me - wondering - what took you so long to discover me? Even to this day, this revelation of enlightenment remains as one of the greater gifts of abundance which once received have graced my life; Daily allowing me to acknowledge unending gratitude to the source of universal intelligence.

Of course... you’d probably, like to take this for a test drive, wouldn't you?
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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly; Tuesday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!
Learn More… Find a social connection… Visit  -   OneGR8Life.com
---      ---      ---
Phillip A. Lopez Author
#CreatingPhenomenal - How to Dream, Create, Live Your One Great Life

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

TransitionERROR: RECONFIG_HumanOperatingSystem

"Do you know why 90% of us move to 'Can't'
when we come face-to-face with the
opportunity of our Highest Human Potential?"

"You need to learn HOW?!? to Stop this... and Stop Quickly!"
~Phillip A. Lopez


I don't know what happens with the cutting of the umbilical cord. On the way into life, it sure seems that at this precise moment, someone hits the 'reset' button. Up to that moment everything seems to be just fine... warm and cozy. We knew it all! - Just how much to eat, how much room we needed to stretch-out, just how big to grow, how much fun we were going to have when the big break-out occurred, just how kind the mirror was going to be when you stood there in your 'skinny' jeans...

Then the great Transition begins; moaning and groaning, the pushing and shoving starts-up and with a burst of energy bouncing out as a bundle of joy we come - SMACK! the hard drive unexpectedly crashes; TransitionERROR!, the blue screen of death appears, the operating system wiped out! Along with wiping-out the Operating Instructions, all memory of confidence and purpose are erased. With this transition we are left with few choices but to reload the operating system. That's right, full system RECONFIG of the Human Operating System is required to regain all critical life processing.

Transition Required: Abort-Retry-Ignore...

It is little wonder that 90% of us move to "can't" when we come face-to-face with our opportunity of Highest Human Potential. In the arena of reloading the Human Operating System, we are limited in knowledge and scarce in past experience. When it comes to a RECONFIG of this magnitude, you find your TransitionERROR choices are limited to: Abort-Retry-Ignore.

For the majority, the typical solution is to wander aimlessly, hoping for the best. Looking for someone or something to initiate the RECONFIG start-up command. After years of bewilderment you may come to give-up, realizing the scope of work and the complexity of having to rewrite the firmware; even armed in Faith, you may find an unwillingness to transition, to deliver the greatness which lies within.


Recognize that TRANSITIONs will occur many times through the course of life. As a youth we experience a TRANSITION with the physical changes occurring during adolescence. How about the TRANSITION from secondary education into college/university life? And the TRANSITION from student to professional? Think you might be in need of a TRANSITION from single to married? How about a TRANSITION with the joyous additions to family? What if that addition arrives with complications? Transitions occur with or without notice, and have absolutely no regard for convenience.

Think you may experience the need to TRANSITION professionally, as you progress through career changes? What about the TRANSITION necessary with the unexpected loss of employment? What if that entrepreneurial dream takes 'way' longer to develop than you had prepared for, with cash running low, or that partner of yours suddenly displays less than ethical practices? What about the TRANSITION necessary with life altering illness? Or, the sudden loss of a loved one? How about the critical nature of TRANSITION from Married to Divorced? Think you may need to TRANSITION in order to cope with the added responsibility of caring for an aging parent? Yes, through-out life TRANSITIONs occur. Each TRANSITION bringing with it a RECONFIG of the Human Operating System, that's right, firmware updates are a necessity!

So pick your current circumstance or a circumstance from your unique past, we all have encountered the need to RECONFIG our Human Operating System. But, HOW?!?

I hear ya - loud and clear!!

The Unanswered Question...

HOW?!? - has always been the unanswered question. Support for this statement can be found by simply counting the number of self-help/Success titles that line the bookshelves of libraries and bookstores (digital and brick-n-motor). The answer to HOW?!?, has driven me through a lifetime of research and gained me irreplaceable experience of trial and error. You see, I choose as the delivery of my Highest Potential, "to DO". My moments of prayer and meditation are filled with infinite inspiration and motivation to resolve for HOW?!? These precious moments of prayer and meditation have revealed to me, a TRANSITION process which regardless of past experience can be used repeatedly through-out life. This process leads you to an understanding of the hiding place of your divine purpose and to the delivery of any desire that you choose to Be, or Do, or Give.

In the weeks ahead we will continue to expose HOW?!?  I will not deviate from this topic until we have completed the RECONFIG process. Regardless of your current or past circumstance RECONFIG of the Human Operating System is achievable! You have already previewed a key firmware component; your Ambition of Desire, to Be, or Do or Give, coupled with an attitude of mind, I Can, I Will.


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Your take away thought...
The phone is ringing!  It's your Greatness calling... Fear Not... Everyone TRANSITIONS! Go ahead, Pick-up the phone - You ARE ready to answer this call.

Let's TRANSITION, together! /  Please, Share this invitation with others.
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OneGR8Life - Delivered weekly; Tuesday.
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition ~ Specifically, Yours!

Phillip A. Lopez Author

#CreatingPhenomenal -Learn How to Dream, Create, Live Your One Great Life.