Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Three Keys to Elicit Your Ambition. Anytime, Anywhere!

Let’s go!

As we continue along the trail of Ambition, let's make sure that we have a good confident feeling about the journey we embark on. 

Let's review...

What am I doing?
-Embarking on the journey to Obtainment and Delivery of my Highest Human Potential.

Where do I go first?
-I AM following the Map of Obtainment. Step One...
    --AMBITION: Transformation of a Notion, Idea or Thought to a Desire of Purpose (to Be, or to Do, or to Give).

How do I Feel?
 -Excited, Courageous, Enthused, A bit Anxious, with my Map in hand, I AM a little less Uncertain; I venture to change my circumstance yet, I AM still not convinced I know HOW?!?

I AM My Deepest Desire!

Rest assured you are not alone in your Uncertainty. Remain confident in your Map! Take a look at it again... recognize that it is a loop. No more complex than a trail through a garden. Be courageous in knowing that you cannot get lost if, you stay on the trail; following the loop, you will return to start again. Little steps at first - then we will move to larger steps, and jumps, and running.    

Where did Everybody Go?

As young people our entire development is spent being told WHAT to Do, When and Why to do it. With warm smiles and words of congratulations, comes the encouragement from family and friends to reach for more. The words from spiritual leaders, intended to assist as you aspire to lead and live a better life; to become the best that you can be. Then one day you come of age and ask HOW?!? On that day, did you notice, suddenly, the room went dark and silent. The response, if any, is typically filled with opinion; which we all hold as our own individual truth. Opinion is simply based on our internal digestion of personal experience and delivered in preference. But the HOW question was not submitted in solicitation of opinion. It was submitted in attempt to unroot fact!

More Confidence; The Map you hold, is not based on fiction or opinion. It’s foundation is fact! Proven again, and again through the history of mankind. So, let’s look to uncover a couple more known facts. You will use these facts to build your HOW in the days ahead.

In AMBITION - Own Your Destiny...

To begin, you will need to Own your Destiny; you will need to take the ball and shoot! As basketball great, Michael Jordan once said, "In my life, I've failed over and over again and that is why I succeed."

Secondly, you will need to remain hungry to satisfy your desire of purpose. Not physically lacking in nutrition but, fueled in Ambition to deliver; Humbled in Determination to Achieve your Highest Human Potential, Bolstered in Courage to find the strength to Never Give Up.

Most importantly, you must deliberately choose to be responsible, for the things that you choose to do and the things that you choose not to do. This deliberate selection of choice, it broadcasts a message to the Universe. That message shouts-out; HEY Universe, I AM Over Here… I AM looking to deliver my Highest Potential, I AM requesting some additional direction, some more instruction. In this way You communicate your Intention to the Universe, selecting the Universal channel to both broadcast your requests and to attract a message in reply. The frequency with which you broadcast, then determines the frequency with which you receive a reply.

As you advance in the Obtainment and delivery of your Highest Human Potential, the greater your intensity of focus becomes. The clearer, the more specific, your message of request becomes, the clearer the reply becomes. The more that you choose to BE, or to DO, or to GIVE, the clearer the instruction of delivery becomes; Your Dream, Your Creation, YourOneGR8Life.

“If no changes were necessary for
You to live YourOneGR8Life,
You'd already be there.”
                                       ~Phillip A. Lopez

Your current level of knowledge and experience has carried you to this point. Recognize that you have exhausted the capacity of this knowledge and experience… It can carry you no further. Your advancement of self now comes in the form of personal growth; adding new knowledge and requesting new experiences. You make such a request in order to get from where you are today, to where your Desire of Purpose is transformed into it’s physical equivalence. This is the doorway to your receipt and growth of abundance; To BE, or to DO, or to GIVE more, I must become more.

Three Keys to Elicit Ambition of Purpose...

There are three keys which allow you to elicit the spirit of unbridled Ambition. Anytime, Anywhere! These keys are already embedded within. They may be a little rusty from lack of use or, they may currently be slightly misguided. In either case, it falls upon You to choose the combination of these keys which is best suited for your transformation of Desired Purpose… Your Dream, Your Creation, YourOneGR8Life.

  • Focused Concentration
  • Resilience
  • Integrity

Only in the stillness of prayer or meditation do these keys open to you, your Desire of Purpose; Your Ambition of Highest Potential. In this way your message of request to resolve HOW?!? has been broadcast, Universally, and has attracted to you this concluding fact; In YourOneGR8Life you can BE, or DO, or GIVE, anything; that Ambition is the starting point of all achievement, that Ambition of Purpose is your starting point of Obtainment and delivery of your unique Highest Human Potential.

Design Your Own Life...

There once lived a man by the name of Jim Rohn. Jim obtained legendary status in his delivery of personal and business development guidance. Rohn teaches us that we must design our own life. If you do not, there is a very high probability that you will fall into someone else’s plan. If you let this happen there is absolutely no way for You to Obtain Your Highest Human Potential. If you allow yourself to fall into someone else’s plan, can you guess what they have planned for you?  Not Much!

Ambition of Purpose
Reveals my Divine Significance.

The designed life of Ambition of Purpose is resolved in stillness, through your simple request for Clarity of Thought;

  • How Can I Serve? ~ This broadcast message receives a Universal reply of provided Destination.
  • How Good Can I Stand It? ~ This broadcast message receives a Universal reply of unwavering Direction. 

Your Focus of Concentration, and Resilience, and Integrity, transform with your request to nurture your Ambition; to resolve both Destination and Direction of Purpose;

  • Who Am I? - This broadcast message receives a Universal reply to install your Intention of Purpose ~

I AM my Deepest Desire!
I Shall Nurture My Ambition;
This is My OneGR8Life,
I Shall Dream it, Create it, Live it!

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Mindful Moments (Thoughts for You to Take Away...)

So, we have walked upon three very important foot stones today...
1) I AM not alone in Uncertainty. My confidence to move forward will stem from the proven Map to Obtainment, which is in my possession. Focused Concentration, increases my courage to take small steps forward as I learn to Dream, Create and Live my OneGR8Life.
2) I AM responsible for the things I choose to do, as well as, the things that I choose not to do. I own the design of my life. Resilience shines forth in moments of setback or success it is ALL my OneGR8Life.
3) I AM responsible to Dream, Create and Live my OneGR8Life. I must not allow my OneGR8Life to become subject to someone else's plan for me. The Integrity of My OneGR8Life is internally driven; in order for me to Be, Do or Give More, I must plan to become more.

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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly; Tuesday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!

Authored By: Phillip A. Lopez
#CreatingPhenomenal ~ Learn How To Dream, Create, Live Your One Great Life!

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