Wednesday, October 16, 2013

#BAD13 / Human Rights -Turning the World Inside-Out...

First they ignore you,
then you win.
                               Mahatma Gandhi 

For many, In review of our 2013 year-to-date performance, it appears that globally, we should completely concede all activity as useless, towards the improvement of Human Rights. That's right! Fanatical ill-treatment of children, Maiming of the Innocent, Zealot Holocaust style annihilation of citizens... need I go on - we've all seen the pictures, we have all read the stories. That right - just, 'F'-it All!!  But, WAIT! We cannot afford to give-up on ourselves that easy... can we? In the pursuit of improved Human Rights, even the smallest gains, are still gains. Maybe what we need is a slight shift in our thinking.  Before you blow me off, hang on for 3 more minutes...

It is fair for you to be asking, Phil, -WHAT, are You talking about? I'm talking about our approach being reversed. Come on, tolerate me just a moment longer... Read just four more paragraphs as I explain the fallacy of our current universal cry for help.

Seriously! It is not that I don't recognize the need for Improved Human Rights; it is just that, We are screaming in the wrong direction. Today, I wish to propose to you an alternate opportunity of faster influence, with greater individual contribution, yielding a greater return for our efforts. Are you interested?  If you find no interest in this opportunity, then by all means flip to the next #BAD13 post.

This is the first time I have participated in this event, so, I pondered deeply about this post... I will need your help to make it work- Let's agree, that what we are attempting to do here is: Improve the Human Condition through the advocacy of improving Human Rights.

Once agreed, HOW do I then justify the statement - "We are screaming in the wrong direction."  It is simple; You see, it is individual behavioral choice which initiates the acts in defiance of Human Rights. Inhuman acts are reduced to individual behavioral choices; Just as you, individually chose to pick up a sign and parade the streets, screaming to draw the awareness of offense behavior. The problem is this... If my individual choice of character behavior, is such that I must resort to atrocities against human kind, do you really think I have any concern about you carrying a sign. The answer is, No! You carrying a sign has no effect on my poor choice of exercised character behavior. For this type of individual, for the abuser of Human Rights, it would be easier to issue an order and, stand you in public and empty a pistol into your head. And, we both can agree that there is nothing Human about this choice of exercised character behavior. Yet, it continues to happen all too often.

You see when we pick up the sign in support of Human Rights advocacy, it becomes our desire to screaming at the power of terror and inhuman acts. The problem is, though our sign carrying and screaming is useful for drawing awareness... it has little to no affect toward the work of changing behavior. That's right, when we scream in this direction, our universal cry is little more than an ill-fated attempt to convince the power that it should relinquish and adopt a greater Human Rights approach. The underlying message here is; we continue to shout at the power of poor behavioral choice, but the power is not listening. In all actuality, the power of inhuman behavioral choice is NOT Capable of hearing, understanding, or acting to a message of improved Human Rights.

Through the course of human history, regardless of country of origin, we can all recall past or present reins against humanity. This would lead me to believe that the approach employed to gain improved Human Rights, must be reversed. On this day of awareness of the need for improved Human Rights, our cry must not be directed Outward. But, rather the only effective cry must be directed Inward.

An Outward cry would indicate that we are looking to receive something. When in reality, Human Rights is not something we are capable of receiving. Improved Human Rights is something that You give. You see the key to gaining improved Human Rights is initiated through our individual behavioral choice to treat other Humans Right. 

Treating other Humans Right is an individual act of taught and emotionalized behavior. This year I suggest that you put down your sign and instead, pick-up a mirror. Stare deeply into the mirror, there lies the secret of Improved Human Rights. Only you are capable of controlling your thoughts and directing your actions towards the improved behavior of treating other Humans Right.

Once, I look into the mirror of self analysis and rationalize that improved Human Rights initiates with me treating other Humans Right; I should immediately, hand my children a mirror and begin to teach them that improved Human Rights is sustained by them learning to treat other Humans Right. We must be relentless in teaching our children this lesson. In this way, we can gain faster influence, with greater individual contribution, yielding a greater long term return on our efforts.

"The Courage of our Behavioral Actions, Determines our Fate."

Human Rights, through Humans Right. -Patience, Tolerance, Compassion, Empathy - these are not behavioral choices of the weak... for the weak are incapable of granting these. Rather, these are strong courageous behavioral acts in support of humanity. 

Thank-You for your time!

#BAD13, #OCT16, #Humanrights, #BlogActionDay,

Saturday, August 31, 2013

OneGR8Life: Twelve Real Riches...

DISCOVER... Real Riches
Dr. Napoleon Hill in the delivery of his Desire of Purpose, documented some pretty amazing ‘stuff’. He is the author of a book titled Think and Grow Rich. In his book, Dr. Hill may have compiled the most worthy list to be found in the identification of Real Riches. Below, I share his list with you.

My only desire is to assist your thinking and guidance, as you UNCOVER your thought of Universal need and DISCOVER your Inspiration and Motive to deliver your unique Desire of Purpose.

In  his own words...
“Everyone desires to be rich.
But not everyone knows what
constitutes enduring riches.
And, most people believe riches to consist of
only in material things that one can buy.”
-Napoleon Hill

Twelve Things that Constitute Real Riches...

     - A Positive Mental Attitude.
     - Sound Physical Health
     - Harmony in Human Relations
     - Freedom from Fear
     - The Hope of Future Achievement
     - The Capacity for Applied Faith
     - Willingness to Share One’s Blessings with Others
     - To Be Engaged in a Labor of Love
     - An Open Mind on All Subjects, Towards All People
     - Complete Self-Discipline
     - Wisdom with Which to Understand People
     - Financial Security

---      ---      ---

Take Away Thoughts:  Observe if you will, the fact that MONEY, financial security, comes at the end of the list, of the Twelve Things that makes men rich.

---      ---      ---

Next week begins a new installment series: EXCHANGE --- Exploring Price-to-Value, Thoughts, Imagination, and Lions, and Tigers and Bears... Oh My!

Enjoy your Weekend...

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday, Thursday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Beacons of Inspiration & Motive

We recognize the tools of skill and will
in the form of determination and persistence, 
we receive these through the created synergy
of Inspiration and Motive.
~Phillip A. Lopez

The inquisitive nature of our mind, coupled with the capacity created through our ability to control thought, directs us to formulate a ‘WHY’ of Purpose. WHY, then serves to initiate and sustain thought energy. As we will learn in the future chapter, the creation and re-creation of energy(ies) play a very significant role in our ability of attraction as applied to the Obtainment of your Desire of Purpose.

Inspiration; The Beacons of Logic...
Inspiration, is your first synergy source of fortification toward the creation and delivery of your Desire of Purpose. Inspiration serves as your logic beacon as you journey along your path of Obtainment. The sources of Inspiration will logically guide you through the repetition of thought necessary to initiate attraction. In this way, with every repeated conscious affirmation of purpose, comes greater potential to attract its Obtainment.

For the sake of our discussion we will focus our attention on four primary sources of Inspiration:

- Income
- Family
 -Financial Wealth
- Health; of Mind or Body or Spirit

Below, you will find these Inspirations presented in a connective format as the Circle of Inspirations.

Inspired WHY, is then the first method available for continuously attracting the ways and means to fulfill your Desire of Purpose.

Here, each source, individually or in combination will stimulate the physical senses. These inspirational sources serve to arouse mental energy and to quicken the pace of the heart to sustain focused action. When initiated, the sources of Inspiration will open the mind to extraordinary levels for the reception of ideas, thoughts and knowledge.

We initiate the isolation of a source of Inspiration through resolve of the question...

WHY, am I willing to dream, create and live the pursuit of (my Desire of Purpose)?

Is it my inspiration to provide protection of Family... my inspiration to create Financial Wealth... might my inspiration to deliver my Desire of Purpose be rooted in the Health of Mind or Body or Spirit... might I find my inspiration to deliver my Desire of Purpose in the creation of income, short-term or sustained?

As powerful as Inspiration is, by its-self, it is insufficient fortification to solely exchange for the delivery of your Desire of Purpose. The fortification required to endure the journey, of the delivery of your Desire of Purpose, must be Infinite in nature. It must be sufficient to carry you up and over every mountain and mole hill of obstacle; whether self-imposed through imagination or real, containing physical attributes. It must posses sufficient force to over come ALL Restraints.

Only through the combination of Inspiration and Motive do you begin to approach sufficient fortification to exchange for the delivery of your Desire of Purpose. Let's explore Motive...

Motives; The Beacons of Emotion...
ALL individual actions are a result of a motive or combination of motives. Motive(s) is the second synergy source of fortification toward the creation and delivery of your Desire of Purpose.  Motive, serves as your emotional beacon of WHY as you journey along your path. When combined with Inspiration, Motive guides you in confidence through the moments of hazy thought, continuously providing light in the darkness of doubt. Motive provides to you the physical energy to remain steady in direction and speed, toward the fulfillment of your Desire of Purpose.

Observe -Nine Basic Motives
There are nine fundamental motives related to the Obtainment of Highest Human Potential and the delivery of your Desire of Purpose.  They were initially formatted in structure by Dr. Napoleon Hill.

Dr. Hill identified the nine basic motives in his work commissioned through Andrew Carnegie. The outcome was two types of Motive; Positive and Negative.

Of the Positive Motives there are 7.

          +++  The BIG Three +++
  1)  The Desire for the Emotion of Love
  2)  The Desire for the Emotion of Sex
  3)  The Desire for Material Wealth

  4)  The Desire for Self-Preservation
  5)  The Desire for Freedom of Body and Mind
  6)  The Desire for Personal Expression and Recognition
  7)  The Desire for Perpetuation of Life after Death

Of the Negative Motives there are 2.

  8)  The Desire for Revenge
  9)  The Emotion of Fear

We initiate the discovery of the source of Motive(s) through resolve of the statement...

I AM willing to dream, create and live the pursuit of (my Desire of Purpose) for the sake of satisfying the following Motive(s)...

Below you will observe the synergy of Inspiration and Motive. Here within, you shall always find the WHY from which you can classify EVERY impulse of notion, idea or thought that you have to BE, DO or HAVE; as well as EVERY impulse of action, to do or not to do, throughout life.

NEXT: The Restraints of FEAR...

---      ---      ---
Take Away Thoughts:  In the REBOOT of the Human Operating System I AM unable to separate the union and interrelationship between Inspiration and Motive; In order to successfully dream, create and live my OneGR8Life, I must come to the full discovery of both. Inspiration and Motive are capable of classifying the WHY of every Desire of Purpose. In combination they form the outer layers of fortification to endure the journey along the path of Obtainment. Without the isolation of Inspiration and Motive, I AM unable to exchange for the delivery of my Desire of Purpose. Through the isolation of Inspiration and Motive I begin to posses sufficient force to over come ALL Restraints.
---      ---      ---

Please, CLICK HERE to share this post.

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Highlights: DISCOVER -Infinite Inspiration & Motivation

“In every Human Being, whether emperor or cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave, there is a mysterious something, which he neither understands nor controls. It may lie dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten. It may be so repressed that the man supposes it was dead. 
But one night, he is alone in the desert, under the starry sky. One day he stands with bowed head and damp eyes beside an open grave or there comes an hour when he clings with desperate instinct to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly, out of the forgotten depths of his being, this mysterious something leaps forth. 
It over-reaches habit, it pushes aside reason, and, with a voice that WILL NOT be denied, it cries out its questioning and its prayer.”
~Bruce Barton
What Can a Man Believe - 1927

Improving the Human Condition...
As we work through our 6-steps as outlined on our Map to Obtainment it is occasionally important to play a little catch-up. I know that many of you have very busy lives and this means that in order to balance our busy schedules we have to make choices of importance and priority; Somethings gotta give in order to maintain our sanity. Not to mention the distraction that a summer cold or sinus infection can create. And then there is summer holiday, immediately followed by getting the kids back into school mode.

As I have mentioned before the OneGR8Life blog is coming at you in a sequential order. Meaning the next post will pick-up pretty much where the last post concluded. To you this means, you don't want to miss a post! To me this means, If I indeed Desire to Improve your Human Condition, I will need to create these 'highlight' post on occasion - allowing you to keep up.

So, take a deep breathe, favorite this post. You can then come back to it as you find time this weekend. Does that work for you?

We are currently on step 3;
DISCOVER -Infinite Inspiration and Motivation to Overcome Restraints.

Below you will find the related posts and links. I have added "(a couple of key words)" for your convenience.

    (Maximum return an a Minimum investment; Elevator Mentality, Face our Reality, I WILL)

    (Real Desires and Riches, Transformation, The 5 Questions of Receivership)

    (We live by Faith, Be, Do or Have, Directions of Desire, Equilibrium, Convenience of Desires)
    (The Exchange Test Drive)  plus, the Discover / Exchange Worksheet.

    (Passion, Fortification)

   -The facets of Inspiration and Motive,
   -HOW to Overcome Restraints.

---      ---      ---
Take away Thought: I must Know WHO, WHAT and WHY before I can Exchange for HOW?!?  -  In faith, I AM granted determination and persistence as traveling partners. To ensure the delivery of my Desire of Purpose I AM fueled by Inspiration and Motive. I must resolve my 5 Questions of Receivership; here, conveniently wrapped together is my WHY.
---     ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x weekly; Tuesday and Thursday.

Looking for a social connection?  Find the social connection that works best, here.
Client privacy is important to us. If you have a Question or Comment, please, feel free to post it here.
Many Thanks!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finding Support to Endure.

As you will see, the discovery of and the Desire to deliver your internal Divine Purpose, drives Obtainment. You will soon come to realize that Obtainment is a Value Proposition. The flow of value will initiate with WHO and then transform into WHAT, followed by WHY; and only then can we exchange it for HOW.

Passion is the genesis of genius.
~ Tony Robbins

Passion - A Freely Accepted Challenge...
As you travel on towards the delivery of your OneGR8Life, there will come many temptations to abandon your created dream. Let's face it, what you are attempting to do is not easy. If it were, many more would find and travel the path that you are on. In Faith you must not despair; once you have freely accepted the challenge to travel the path of Obtainment, you are assured Divine support. This source of Divine support must have the ability to provide the necessary additional horsepower to climb every hill and mountain of your journey. In your pursuit to deliver our internal Passion; we both can agree that, it would not be a very kind gesture of the Divine to provide to us a trail to follow and then leave us abandoned with less than adequate skill and will to complete our journey. Correct?

So HOW?!? do we recognize our inherited skill and will?

Fortification - Enduring the Pursuit...
We recognize the tools of skill and will in the form of determination and persistence, we receive these through the created energy of Inspiration and Motive.

Inspiration and Motive serve as the WHY resources of focused action. When Inspiration and Motive are combined toward the Obtainment of your Desire of Purpose, the created synergy acts as fortification. This fortification is sufficient fuel to endure your unresolved pursuit. Recognize Inspiration and Motive as two resources which are multi-faceted. When combined they serve to fortify elevated thought and elicit the emotion necessary to endure the pursuit and delivery of your Highest Human Potential.

Next... HOW?!? you combine the facets of Inspiration and Motive-

---      ---      ---
Take away Thought: I must Know WHO, WHAT and WHY before I can Exchange for HOW?!?  -  In faith, I AM granted determination and persistence as traveling partners. To ensure the delivery of my Desire of Purpose I AM fueled by Inspiration and Motivation. I must resolve my 5 Questions of Receivership; here, conveniently wrapped together is my WHY.
---     ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

MY Bad... I Need to Apologize.

Hey Folks,  I wanted to apologize for any confusion created yesterday -Tuesday, 08/20.

I really pride myself on delivering to you Quality... content and formatting. And, the 'Unlocking the Directions of Desire' post didn't go off exactly as I had hoped...

It posted as scheduled at 3am, but, when I dragged my sleepy self out of bed at 330am, I recognized that I had encountered a web site formatting restriction. Recognizing that things were not exactly crisp -Needless to say I kind-of freaked.

I so love the fact that, you have granted me the opportunity to be part of your OneGR8Life; I never want to take that for granted. Each of you knows the time commitment required to create, and support a blog. Many of you do not know that I support along with a normal 40-50hr work week. (YES, I do have the world's greatest wife!!  -  YES, I am the classic over-achiever type.)  So, waking-up and finding the formatting issues added just - a bit more stress.

I had thought about pulling the post... but, I couldn't do that to you. There is about 80-90 of you that are pulling these post within the first 30 minutes and I was well into that time frame. All I could think of doing to correct this issue, was to 'split' the post into two parts...

    - Unlocking the Directions of Desire (1)
    - Directions of Desire (2) /Your Test Drive

Thanks for understanding!  I appreciate your continued support...


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Directions of Desire (2) /Your Test Drive

In order to accommodate formatting restrictions,
this blog post has been broken into Two (2) post....
This is the Second post.  Below is the link to get you to the beginning

Test Drive...
Well, Grab the keys - Let’s roll!!   Let’s start simple...

Desire to HAVE: A New Car.
EXCHANGE: BE in a financial position to afford the expense, DO have a list of desired make, model, color and accessories which fit your budget.

Desire to BE: A Doctor
EXCHANGE: HAVE compassion for others, coupled with patience and determination to endure the required studies, DO go to Medical School, DO Study, Learn and Apply in confidence the knowledge gained.

Desire to DO: Generate Sales of $2.5M annually.
EXCHANGE: HAVE an understanding of a Product or Service capable of supporting this sales volume, BE on the constant look-out for methods to over-deliver to this targeted market.

Desire to DO: Advance and Promote Highest Human Potential.
EXCHANGE: HAVE the willingness to spend 30+ years in the study and application of the principles of Success, Attainment and Personal Development. BE compelled to spend the remaining years of your life to share this with as many people as possible. BE willing to dedicate your efforts to 'Improving the Human Condition'.

Desire to BE: World Resource of Digital Marketing.
EXCHANGE: DO build a network of like-minded resources. Do recognize your network of cognizant relationships; physically (face-to-face) and socially (digital), HAVE the innate personal character to employ the principles of reciprocity with your network.

Desire to HAVE: A Family filled with Love and Mutual Respect.
EXCHANGE: BE patient, loving and kind. BE willing to lead this one by example, DO live each day in understanding of the principles of unconditional love, DO build your relationship in harmony with the Divine Source of unconditional love.

Need we keep going?  ----

I suggest that You give it a try - Here is a Link to the DISCOVER / Exchange Worksheet.

---      ---      ---

Take Away Thought:  It is my OneGR8Life. And, I AM responsible to Be, Do, or Have Anything that I Desire. AMBITION initiates the transformation of my notions, ideas, or thoughts into their physical equivalence. This transformation occurs only when I combine and exchange in Greater value. The Universe operates in Equilibrium. I AM willing to combine and exchange in Greater value to fulfill My Desire of Purpose.

---      ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday, Thursday
If you found value in the post, please, SHARE IT!
- Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Unlocking the Directions of Desire (1)

In order to accommodate formatting restrictions,
this blog post has been broken into Two (2) post....
This is the First of Two posts.  -ENJOY!

'It is My OneGR8Life...

I AM Responsible
to Be, Do, or Have
Anything that I Desire.'
~Phillip A. Lopez

We live by Faith or we do not live at all...
Either we venture or we vegetate. If we venture we do so by Faith! Simply because we cannot know the end of anything at its beginning. Marriage, by Faith; or stay single. Professional achievement, by Faith; or we give-up before we start. Personal Growth, by Faith we free addictions and move mountains; or we are stopped by imaginary mole hills.

Faith however is not tranquil and steady. At its foundation, this is the beauty of Faith; in Faith, you control the volume... Bounce level - Sleep level. You are in complete control! Faith has the ability to ebb and flow like the tides of the restless sea. It is ALWAYS there for your use. Never FAILING, waiting for your beckoning call.

Every triumph of the human spirit began with a single step taken in Faith.

This Faith-filled, single step serves as the small handle to great matters. In the pursuit of your ambitious Desire to deliver your purpose, you must learn to hang on to your handle of Faith; even if for just 5 more minutes. This is how you assure your achievements.

Have, Be or Do... Anything that You Desire?
When somebody makes a statement as BOLD as, In this life it is my Responsibility, my Duty, to Be, Do or Have, Anything that I Desire. That person better be ready to defend themselves against, every Nay-Sayer, Pessimist, Glass Half Full'r and 2/3rds of the Universe! It's alright if, at first, you find this statement hard to believe. I won't hold it against you. I too almost found it impossible to comprehend when I first ran across this notion almost 25+yrs ago. All I will ask is that you finish reading this post... and then decide.

Are you Good with this?  Alright then, let's get moving!

Directions of Desire...
There are three primary directions of desire - Desire to Be Something, Desire to Do Something or the Desire to Have Something... Be, Do or Have. It is easiest to perceive these Directions of Desire when they are displayed in the form of a ring. Check it out - Below, you will find the Ring of Desires.

Herein,  lies a relationship of extraordinary convenience!

Convenience comes forth from within the circle; through the ease at which we are able to recognize our ‘HOW’ direction for the transformation and fulfillment of our Divine Purpose.

Allow me to explain...

Your Divine Purpose will take form through one of these three Directions of Desire, that is to say; Your embedded Desire of Purpose will show itself as a Desire to BE something, or as a Desire to DO something, or as a Desire to HAVE something. This Direction of Desire empathizes the unique and undeniable value of your life. You are encoded to Dream, Create and Live OneGR8Life; you are to DISCOVER your Desire of Purpose, as it has been embedded within you from birth. Thus, we recognize that the transformation of a notion, idea or thought into physical equivalence must adhere to a direction of flow; that direction is, from inside to-the outside. That' right - the delivery of your Desire of Purpose is an inside job. You already hold all that is needed. Go back to your Map of Obtainment and recognize that internal AMBITION initiates transformation.

Equilibrium and the Transformation of Desires...
Once your Desire of Purpose, your something, is Discovered, you will automatically be rewarded with a direction of fulfillment. Your direction of fulfillment, your HOW, will be seen through the combination and exchange of the remaining two desires. Let's Quickly explore this concept of combination and exchange...

Sir Isaac Newton's Laws of Physics serve us handily here. Through his Law of Equilibrium, Newton teaches us that every action, must posses an equal, yet opposite reaction. Physics teachers like using the example of placing your hands against a wall and then trying to push the wall over. Since the wall does not push-over, the example successfully demonstrates that the force exerted, by your hands pushing against the wall, was equal to, the opposite force exerted by the wall pushing against your hands.

That's right, in order for you to push the wall over, you would need to surmount a force greater than the wall can withstand. It is absolutely No Different with the transformation of an notion, idea or thought into its physical equivalence. You see, the transformation of your Desire of Purpose can only occur when the forces applied are Greater Than the value of the notion, idea, or thought. In this light, you are free to recognize that Big Desires are fully achievable, they are simply waiting for you to Combine and EXCHANGE for forces of greater value. You see, until You create this condition, your Desire of Purpose remains but a Dream.

It would be fair for you to ask... HOW?!? then do I combine and exchange a force Great enough to knock over my Desire of Purpose?

Convenience of Desires...

-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in the form of Desire to BE something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation
and fulfillment is to combine and exchange, 
---   DO something and
---   HAVE something.

-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in the form of Desire to DO something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation
and fulfillment is to combine and exchange, 
---   BE something and
---   HAVE something.

-If you Discover your Desire of Purpose in the form of Desire to HAVE something; then,

your HOW direction of transformation
and fulfillment is to combine and exchange, 
---   BE something and
---   DO something.

This revelation should jump off the page and hit you in the forehead like a brick! As it did me, once realized. All those years spent agonizing over HOW?!? to start and BAM! one morning I open my eyes and there it is! One single thought, resting on my pillow, looking at me - wondering - what took you so long to discover me? Even to this day, this revelation of enlightenment remains as one of the greater gifts of abundance which I have received; Daily allowing me to acknowledge unending gratitude to the source of universal intelligence.

Of course... you’d probably, like to take this of a test drive, wouldn't you?

---      ---      ---

PLEASE, Fasten your seat belt and Follow this Link for your test drive...

Need we keep going?  Really?

I suggest that You give it a try...
 - Here you will also find the Link to the DISCOVER /Exchange Worksheet.

---      ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday, Thursday
If you found value in the post, please, SHARE IT!
- Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

System ERROR: The Human Operating System.

"Do you know why 90% of us move to 'Can't'
when we come face-to-face with the
opportunity of our Highest Human Potential?"

"You need to Stop this...   and Stop Quickly!"
 ~Phillip A. Lopez

What Just Happened...

I don't know what happens with the cutting of the umbilical cord. On the way into life, it sure seems that at this precise moment, someone hits the 'reset' button. Up to that moment everything seems to be just fine... warm and cozy. We knew it all! - Just how much to eat, how much room we needed to stretch-out, just how big to grow, how much fun we were going to have when the big break-out occurred, just how kind the mirror was going to be when you stood there in your 'skinny' jeans...

Then the moaning and groaning, pushing and shoving starts-up and with a burst of energy bouncing out as a bundle of joy we come - SMACK! the hard drive unexpectedly crashes; System ERROR!, the blue screen of death appears, the operating system wiped out! Along with wiping-out the Operating Instructions, all memory of confidence and purpose are erased. We are left with few choices but to REBOOT. That's right, full system RECONFIG is required to regain all critical life processing.

It is Your OneGR8Life: Abort-Retry-Ignore...

It is little wonder that 90% of us move to "can't" when we come face-to-face with our opportunity of Highest Human Potential. In this arena we are limited in knowledge and scarce in past experience. When it comes to a REBOOT of this magnitude, our System ERROR choices are limited to Abort-Retry-Ignore. For the majority, the typical solution is to wonder aimlessly, hoping for the best. After years of bewilderment we may come to give-up, realizing the scope of work and the complexity of having to rewrite the software; even armed in Faith, we may find an unwillingness to REBOOT.

Everyone REBOOTS!...

Recognize that REBOOT may occur many times through the course of life. As a youth we experience a REBOOT with the physical changes occurring during adolescence. How about the change from secondary education into college/university life? And the transformation from student to professional? Think you might need a REBOOT from single to married? How about a REBOOT with the joyous additions to family?

Ever experience the need to REBOOT professionally, as you progress through career changes? What about the REBOOT necessary with the unexpected loss of employment? What about the REBOOT necessary with life altering illness? Or, the sudden loss of a loved one? How about the critical nature of REBOOT from Married to Divorced? Think you may need to REBOOT in order to cope with the added responsibility of caring for an aging parent? Yes, through-out life REBOOT of the Human Operating System is a necessity!

So pick your current circumstance or a circumstance from your unique past, we all have encountered the need to REBOOT our Human Operating System. But, HOW?!?

I hear ya - loud and clear!!

The Unanswered Question...

HOW!?! - has always been the unanswered question. Support for this statement can be found by simply counting the number of self-help/Success titles that line the bookshelves of libraries and bookstores (digital and brick-n-motor). The answer to HOW?!?, has driven me through 30+ years of research and gained me irreplaceable experience of trial and error. This research revealed to me, a process which regardless of past experience can be used repeatably through-out life. This process leads you to an understanding of the hiding place of  your divine purpose and to the delivery of any desire that you choose to Be, Do or Have.

In the weeks ahead we will continue to expose HOW?!?  I will not deviate from this topic until we have completed the REBOOT process. Regardless of your current or past circumstance REBOOT is achievable! We have already previewed a key component; your Ambition of Desire, to Be, Do or Have, coupled with an attitude of mind, I Can, I Will.

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Your take away thought...
The phone is ringing!  It's your Greatness calling... Fear Not... Everyone REBOOTS! Pick-up the phone - You ARE ready to answer this call.

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OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x weekly; Tuesday, Thursday.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

DISCOVER: Purpose Undefined...

“In every Human Being, whether emperor or cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave, there is a mysterious something, which he neither understands nor controls. It may lie dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten. It may be so repressed that the man supposes it was dead. 
But one night, he is alone in the desert, under the starry sky. One day he stands with bowed head and damp eyes beside an open grave or there comes an hour when he clings with desperate instinct to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly, out of the forgotten depths of his being, this mysterious something leaps forth. 
It over-reaches habit, it pushes aside reason, and, with a voice that WILL NOT be denied, it cries out its questioning and its prayer.”
~Bruce Barton
What Can a Man Believe - 1927

The Source of Real Desires and Riches...
It took me near 30+ years of research, trial and error, to find the truth and hidden riches of these words. These words have to be the most powerful collection assembled to open our next discussion;
DISCOVER - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation. 

The Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential will percolate from this source. As you will see, the discovery of and delivery of your Desire of Purpose, is what drives Obtainment. If You stop to review your Map to Obtainment, you will soon come to realize that Obtainment is a Value Proposition. Ambition initiates the flow of value, springing forth with WHO and then transforms into WHAT, followed by WHY; and only then can we exchange it for HOW. The increasing Proposition stems from, the opportunity to Be, Do, or Have more by simply becoming more... recognize 'now', that the more you give, the more you become eligible to receive.

You are today in your current circumstance because of the What thoughts, and experiences, that have carried you to this point; to this day. You can be no more and be no less than what you currently know. Twenty pages from now you will be in possession of infinitely more knowledge. When this occurs the universe will have the privilege of expecting more from you. You see it is very simple; where much is given, much is expected in return.

Thus, to Obtain your Desire of Purpose, new things will be required of you; you must expand your understanding in order to carry ‘new’ thoughts. The current goal remains to transform these new thoughts and ideas into Purpose. Yes, the delivery of your Desire of Purpose will require new thoughts of faith, transformed into courageous acts. At this particular point in your REBOOT cycle, you must have faith to believe that which you do not fully understand. You must grow your knowledge such that, you no longer believe that your own limitations, your current self-limiting thoughts, are the proper measure of your limitations.

Recall, our earlier statement...

In my OneGR8Life,
it is my responsibility,
it is my duty,
to Have, Be or Do
Anything that I Desire!

You need to memorize this statement as the first REBOOT Principle towards the Obtainment of Highest Human Potential.

If you stopped reading right here and spent the rest of your life simply applying this single Principle, you would have a tough time not stumbling across the finish line with Desires satisfied and Riches attained. But, 'attainment' is not what we are after. 'Obtainment' of Highest Human Potential remains as our Desire of intentional focus. So let’s march on. It is significant that we understand the origin of Desire and ultimately uncover the method to transform this thought of desire into meaningful Purpose.

5 Questions of Receivership...
In the discovery and transformation of Purpose, there are 5 questions of receivership. My hope is that you would record these questions and initiate their response in a journal. Your journal can be as simple as a smart phone 'notes' titled My OneGR8Life. It is critical that you reflect on these questions and resolve yourself to a reply.

Here are the 5 Questions of Receivership:

(1)  Who am I?

(2)  What do I feel?

(3)  What do I want to Be, Do or Have?

(4)  What is my Passion?

(5)  What is my Purpose?

Keep your mind clear!  Avoid the anxiety of attempting to resolve for HOW?!? Give yourself permission to Dream, to Create, to Live. The focus of this exercise is Who and What, Only!

Remain Calm... The answer to these questions may be buried so deep, that they may seem to have been dismissed or, may have lied dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten, or may be so repressed that you suppose they were dead. 

Rejoice and be filled with Gratitude... The more you Give, the more you Receive!
   ~ You have been encoded from birth to resolve these questions.

---      ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Client confidentiality prevails - Post your Questions or Comments in Privacy.  - Please share this post.

Monday, August 12, 2013

DISCOVER - Infinite Inspiration & Motivation

This is such an exciting time, with our Map to Obtainment in hand, you are in hot pursuit of the Obtainment of your Desire of Purpose. Thanks to our SYNC Exercise you get ready to move forward with your unique WHO values settled into place. Now we can make preparations to expand WHAT and to gain a wider understanding of HOW; to make this happen we will need to DISCOVER our infinite source of Inspiration and Motivation. This no minor task! This Inspiration and Motivation must be significant enough to over come all future restraints.

Now, there is just one thing we need to cover before we head back out on the trail; we need to have a frank discussion surrounding the desire to gain the maximum return on a minimum investment...

Hold the Elevator... Please.
Do you find yourself looking for a shortcut to reach the top of the ladder? Are you thinking that you can find the elevator... if you just keep looking?

You're not alone... near 95% of us suffer from this elevator mentality. It doesn't matter if you are trying to shed a few pounds, start a business, parent your children or reconstruct a relationship. We keep looking for the elevator in hopes that our pursuit of life ambitions will become easier. You need to put this habit in check! You must come to the realization that in your search to find an easier way, you are really making things more difficult. The problem is, your elevator mentality is crushing your confidence and paralyzing the actions that you must take to truly Obtain your Highest Human Potential. Let’s both agree - You deserve better than this!! As you travel forward, you must remember... On the path to Obtaining your Desire of Purpose, there are No Elevators - You must take the stairs!

So let's face our reality...
Obtainment of Highest Human Potential is not ordinary! What you are attempting to do isn't easy. What you are attempting to do rarely, if ever, comes overnight.   I realize that initially this may Not appear to be a rosy picture. But trust me, it IS a rosy picture. I want you to think about this: realize that 90-95% of your colleagues will not face this reality. They will continue looking for the elevator. They will keep looking for a 'break' or a chance at 'luck'. That's right, most of your colleagues will keep on looking for the elevator, hoping to capture lightning in a bottle.

You on the other hand, now possess the knowledge that Obtainment, the development and delivery of your Desire of Purpose, is not easy, that Obtainment rarely comes overnight, and that Obtainment is not ordinary. This powerful knowledge leads you away from the crowd that is looking for the elevator. Once you make this move, you have begun to differentiate yourself from the ordinary. You now understand that gaining Obtainment requires us to do the things that are not easy, to do the things that most people will not ordinarily do.

I Will Obtain it...
Today is a BIG day along the path to the progressive Obtainment of your Highest Potential. Today you came to realize that Obtainment comes from taking the little steps. Today, you decided to take the first step; to stop looking for the elevator. Today you re-introduce yourself to words like - self-discipline, self-control, persistence, determination, perspiration, and focus. Today you sat up-right and said, “Hey, the Obtainment of My Highest Potential is my Responsibility, it is my Divine Duty - I Will Uncover it, I Will Discover it, and I Will Obtain it. Today, you took a giant step Forward; today you reinforced to yourself that - In order to Obtain your Highest Human Potential, there are no elevators... today you said, "I AM willing to take the stairs!"

Come on now, up the stairs we go... this is not the time to slow-up.

I leave you with this closing thought...

We live by Faith or we do not live at all...
Either we venture or we vegetate. 
Every triumph of the human spirit began with a single step taken in Faith. This Faith-filled, single step serves as the small handle to great matters. In the pursuit of your ambitious Desire to deliver your purpose, you must learn to hang on to your handle of Faith. Even if, for just one more moment.

---      ---      ---
Your take away thought...  I Can, I Will.

Post this simple phrase in places where you will see it regularly through-out your day. Repeat it to yourself regularly... especially when you begin to feel the slightest bit of anxiety, or in a moment of self-doubt.
---      ---      ---
OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x weekly; Tuesday and Thursday.

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Many Thanks!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

OneGR8Life: Abort-Retry-Ignore

Over the past 4-6 weeks we have picked-up quite a large number of new readers. I want to make sure that we are ALL ready to move forward together. So, before we get started with the third step of our Map to Obtainment; DISCOVER - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation to Overcome Restraints, we should hold-up and review our journey so far.

We have 29 posts to choose from since June 4th. I AM not suggesting that you start at the beginning and move through all 29. I did layout the 12 most critical and would certainly encourage you to get through as many as possible. I have *'d those which are crucial; if you are serious about catching-up, I would not miss any of these *. In the format below, you are going to find a series of links. The links will be followed with a brief highlight of the post. I chose this format because I know that we are all busy. I felt this format might serve best in helping you to get into and get out of a particular post with the greatest ease.

Things to remember...
(1) Currently OneGR8Life is coming to you as a serial feed; we are walking through the steps as outlined on our Map to Obtainment. I have made a commitment to you, the readers, to Not break away from the Map until we have completed the journey at least once.
(2) The serial nature of the posts means that we start each new post pretty much were the last post left off. You know what that means... If you find the Map intriguing  - You do not to miss a post, you do not want to fall behind.
(3) OneGR8Life comes to your digital doorstep 2x Weekly; Tuesdays and Thursdays.
(4) It is significant that you understand my Desire of Purpose. So, where I AM coming from is pretty simplified: I am looking to Improve the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Let's Review...

We All Start Somewhere!   *   Anxiety  /  A Call to Greatness

Created in Ambition  -  I Can, I Will  /  Deny the Universe?

The Human Operating System  *  REBOOT!  /  The Unanswered Question

Packed and Ready  -  The Destination  /  Success Happiness

Process or Event  -  Mission and Goal  /  The Event, The Process

Obtainment of Purpose  -  Subtle Differences  /  Truest Source of Happiness

A Map To Obtainment  *  Prerequisites  /  Obtainment Defined

Ambition of Purpose  -  A Critical Fact  /  Self Equipped

In Pursuit of Purpose  -  Courage / Success / Desire

Nurturing AMBITION: Your First Thought  -  Our Root of Confidence

WHO before What and How  *  Build your Pathway / The SYNC Exercise

Everyone REBOOTS  *  The role of Faith and Love  / Flexible Repeatability

-Thanks in advance for allowing OneGR8Life to be a part of your OneGR8Life. I AM looking forward to being with you, as you Dream it, Create it, Live it.

---      ---      ---
Next Up:  DISCOVER - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation to Overcome Restraints.
Highlights: Transformation, The Role of Faith, Directions of Desire, Developing Purpose, The Circle of Inspiration, Finding Motivation...
---      ---      ---

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OneGR8Life: Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!
Join Us -

Thursday, August 8, 2013

SYNC: Everyone REBOOTS!!


I AM so pleased by the reader results for the OneGR8Life, SYNC Exercise. If you are running behind and didn't catch the Tuesday 08/06 post, here is your link... also for your convenience, here is the link to the SYNC Exercise. Again, if your running behind and need to get caught-up, please do so. You will want to get caught-up for two reasons: (1) At this point the OneGR8Life blog is coming at you as a sequential feed; this makes the Tuesday, 08/06 POST, very valuable for future reference, (2) The SYNC Exercise Link is presently free, but this will expire shortly.

Now, I haven't taken the time to justify in my mind if the reader numbers are so high because it's that good or because it was free. Either way, I AM grateful beyond words!! Again, Thank-You!

I did want to do a little follow-up with you, based on some of your feedback. There were a couple of questions that are extremely important. Answering them will be helpful for you and will also, help me deliver my Desire of Purpose; Improving the Human Condition.

1) Then each of us landed on earth encoded to deliver our own 'ends'...
HOW can you be so sure about this? 

This is a fair question. The answer is rooted in two very powerful values... Faith and Love.

First, Faith. In one of our previous post we covered the significance of Desire of Purpose; that within each of us is the necessity to develop and deliver an embedded divine purpose. Certainly, you must have asked, or felt, at some time in your past that your life must have some purpose; that there must be some specific purpose for your time on earth. Rest assured, your life Does Have purpose and that life purpose is valuable and irreplaceable. Faith in the fact that all life has purpose, allows you to hear the Universal cry to uncover, develop and deliver that purpose. From within, your delivery of purpose sees not - Age, or Gender, or Race, or Color, or Preference, or Dogma or Creed. These factors, simply, in combination, play a roll in your transformation of a Notion, Idea or Thought - into it's Physical Equivalence.

Love. The greatest state of all life is Love. This being the case, it is unthinkable that the source of Universal life would commission you to a journey on earth, complete with Desire of Purpose; and not provide you with every last detail necessary for you to Dream, Create and Live that Purpose. Please, do not confuse this as a statement of entitlement. Instead, see it as a statement of challenge and as an opportunity of great Ambition. 

The challenge is to Dream, Create and Live your Desire of Purpose. The Ambitious opportunity is to Beat the Clock - to not physically expire from life on earth without completion, without the delivery of your Purpose.

2) Round 1 - In this Round you begin with 234 values to select from...
Why 234? - Am I Limited to only these values?

234? -I'd like to tell you that there is something mystical or scientific about the number 234... it is sequential- 2, 3, 4 - Look, my educational background is Engineering, one night I woke-up and had this vision of words, columns, rows and boxes. I transformed that vision (Notion, Idea or Thought) into a simple and repeatable process of elimination (Physical Equivalence). Life is all about the choices opportunities that we face; the things we choose to Do and the things that we choose Not to Do. The method then, of choosing a unique set of values which identify WHO you need to become in order to deliver your Desire of Purpose, could be no different. It had to be all about choices and choices require elimination.

No, you are not limited to the 234 values included in the exercise. Remember, You are Responsible for the Development and Delivery of your unique Desire of Purpose. This means that You are FREE to choose, and must use, every resource that becomes available to you. If you recognize a value missing, that you believe must be added... add it as a 'wild card'. It is Your OneGR8Life, you have been invited to: Dream it, Create it, Live it! It is all about, YOU!

3) You are going to utilize this exercise at various point through-out your life...
Can you share examples of this?

You have read many times my usage and application of the term REBOOT. So let's make a short list of circumstances we all experience in our lives that we could categorize as a REBOOT event...

-The change from High School life, to Collegiate Life: a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Completion of College Life, to beginning of Professional Life: a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Completion of College Life, to beginning of Post Grad Life; a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-From Single Life, to beginning of Married Life; a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Career Advancement or Career Directional change; a REBOOT event?  Yes or No.
-Married Life to Family Life... What about the news of twins; a REBOOT Event? Yes or No.

Here we have 6 Reboot events and for most of us we haven't even cleared 30yrs old
... Should we keep going?
-What if Married Life doesn't quite turn-out as you had hoped; a REBOOT Event?
-How about life altering illness or injury or the sudden loss of a Loved one; a REBOOT Event?
-What a about Job Loss / Bankruptcy / Foreclosure; a REBOOT Event?

As you can see, there are many circumstances which you routinely, expected or unexpectedly, will face in life where REBOOT is necessary. So, Fear Not... Everybody REBOOTS!

My delivery of the SYNC Exercise to you, has Improved your Human Condition. I AM very happy about this!! In Faith and Love, I hope that you will add it to your daily arsenal of OneGR8Life tools, along with your Map to Obtainment

---      ---      ---

The next Obtainment stepping stone... Discover - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation to Overcome Restraints.

Please, CLICK HERE, to share this post with your Twitter followers.

---      ---      ---

OneGR8Life: Delivered 2x Weekly, Tuesday and Thursday.
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Why -WHO First?
Gandhi would have us remember this; on the road to Obtainment, you cannot use methods that violate the ends that you are after. The significance of these words distill down to this... In all life, Ends and Means are then inseparable.

We can better appreciate this when we recall Gandhi's walk. Where he simply understood that you cannot create a world of brotherhood and harmony; through the means of tyranny and oppression. The lesson exemplified through Gandhi is timeless.

The lesson is this: No human can obtain a worthy goal, you cannot arrive at your worthy end, by using unworthy means.

Building Your Pathway...
When you understand the lesson available through Gandhi, you realize that one of the initial stepping stones on your pathway to the Obtainment of your Desire of Purpose, must be to peel yourself down to the core of your own individual means. That the discovery of "WHO" must precede the ends of "WHAT" and "HOW". Fortunately, we have all ready simplified the core of Obtainment to be; the internal attraction of an external desire.

Imagine for just one moment that the source of infinite intelligence and universal love, has placed You upon the earth for the achievement of your unique Highest Human Potential. What ever that Desire of Purpose might be...

Then each of us landed on earth encoded to deliver our own 'ends'. The beginning of that delivery, the starting point, must be to UNCOVER the 'means' which are inseparable to the fulfillment of those 'ends'.

Hit the Brakes!!
What did we just discover?

That your private lessons, will always precede your public victories. That privately you must UNCOVER your unique 'WHO' virtues before you can proceed to your public fulfillment of 'WHAT' and 'HOW'.

If you are sitting there sort of dazed by the simplicity of the preceding discovery... You should be! Is it any wonder why you struggle to accomplish - You keep digging with the handle of your shovel. You keep looking to solve for WHAT and HOW, with NO Regards for WHO! You need to REBOOT, you need to reverse the shovel - You need to start over and begin digging with the blade of your shovel.

If you are now Screaming -
But, HOW?!? Do I SYNC my means with my ends? You would be justified.

So let's walk through a quick and very simple exercise to SYNC your internal means with your external ends, your Desire of Purpose. (I will share with you a link to view this exercise when we a done.) 

"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face." 
-- Eleanor Roosevelt

The SYNC Exercise comes to you as eight (8) sheets. Seven sheets include instruction and dialogue to walk you through the exercise. The eighth sheet is an uncompleted worksheet for your personal use.

The instruction and dialogue is presented from the perspective of you not having a clear, or completed, Desire of Purpose.

For this perspective, I have taken the liberty of assigning a Desire of Purpose. Why would I do this?

I want you to focus on the format and flow of using the SYNC Exercise worksheet. Once you have walked through the exercise and have gained some comfort and familiarity, you can then repeat the exercise and substitute-in your very own Desire of Purpose.

The value of walking through the exercise and then repeating the exercise will also demonstrate the unique REBOOT, flexibility, features of the exercise.

You are going to utilize this exercise at various points through-out your life. You will soon see that each set of selected values are unique to the Desire of Purpose that you are currently involved in.

Changes which influence your Desire of Purpose... Change the nature of the values necessary to develop and deliver that particular purpose. Now you can REBOOT with the ebbs and flows of your OneGR8Life.

The SYNC Exercise...
The SYNC exercise includes '4' Rounds, set up in a progressive and eliminating style.

Round 1 - This is the broadest point of selection. In this Round you will begin with 234 values to select from. The Values are set up in columns of 6 values. You are to select '1' value from each column. You end with 39 selected values. PLEASE note; this Round also allows for a Wild Card selection. Bringing you to a total of 40 values for Round 1.

Round 2 - I call this the 'Weakest Link' round. Here you eliminate one value from each paired column. Refresh your Wild Card, if you need to. When completed, 20 values will remain.

Round 3 - The 'Survivor' Round. You are starting with 20 values... your going to whittle this down to 10. Suddenly, the choices get a little tougher. Only the strongest survive in Round 3... time to say good-bye to some pretty solid and supportive values.

Round 4 - The Final Round!  You started with 234 values and have reduced them to the Top 10. But, you are not done! In Round 4 you are required to make the toughest of all your selections... You will need to reduce your Top 10 to the Ultimate 6. That's right! At this point there is no turning back - You must burn the ships at the shoreline and venture on with your Ultimate 6 values.

This is your Dropbox Link to the SYNC Exercise... Enjoy the exercise!

If for any reason you have difficulty accessing the Dropbox Link - Shoot me an email...

Please, Do me one favor; CLICK Here to Tweet this GR8 find with your Followers.

"Happiness is when
what you think, what you say, and what you do
are in harmony."

~Mahatma Gandhi 

---      ---      ---

It is Your OneGR8Life. I AM here to revive the Human Spirit. To embrace the essence that makes your life unique and irreplaceable; the Obtainment of your Divinely granted Desire of Purpose.

---      ---      ---

OneGR8Life - Delivered 2x Weekly; Tuesday and Thursday.
Questions or Comments can always be posted in confidentiality.
Thank-you in Advance  -