Thursday, August 8, 2013

SYNC: Everyone REBOOTS!!


I AM so pleased by the reader results for the OneGR8Life, SYNC Exercise. If you are running behind and didn't catch the Tuesday 08/06 post, here is your link... also for your convenience, here is the link to the SYNC Exercise. Again, if your running behind and need to get caught-up, please do so. You will want to get caught-up for two reasons: (1) At this point the OneGR8Life blog is coming at you as a sequential feed; this makes the Tuesday, 08/06 POST, very valuable for future reference, (2) The SYNC Exercise Link is presently free, but this will expire shortly.

Now, I haven't taken the time to justify in my mind if the reader numbers are so high because it's that good or because it was free. Either way, I AM grateful beyond words!! Again, Thank-You!

I did want to do a little follow-up with you, based on some of your feedback. There were a couple of questions that are extremely important. Answering them will be helpful for you and will also, help me deliver my Desire of Purpose; Improving the Human Condition.

1) Then each of us landed on earth encoded to deliver our own 'ends'...
HOW can you be so sure about this? 

This is a fair question. The answer is rooted in two very powerful values... Faith and Love.

First, Faith. In one of our previous post we covered the significance of Desire of Purpose; that within each of us is the necessity to develop and deliver an embedded divine purpose. Certainly, you must have asked, or felt, at some time in your past that your life must have some purpose; that there must be some specific purpose for your time on earth. Rest assured, your life Does Have purpose and that life purpose is valuable and irreplaceable. Faith in the fact that all life has purpose, allows you to hear the Universal cry to uncover, develop and deliver that purpose. From within, your delivery of purpose sees not - Age, or Gender, or Race, or Color, or Preference, or Dogma or Creed. These factors, simply, in combination, play a roll in your transformation of a Notion, Idea or Thought - into it's Physical Equivalence.

Love. The greatest state of all life is Love. This being the case, it is unthinkable that the source of Universal life would commission you to a journey on earth, complete with Desire of Purpose; and not provide you with every last detail necessary for you to Dream, Create and Live that Purpose. Please, do not confuse this as a statement of entitlement. Instead, see it as a statement of challenge and as an opportunity of great Ambition. 

The challenge is to Dream, Create and Live your Desire of Purpose. The Ambitious opportunity is to Beat the Clock - to not physically expire from life on earth without completion, without the delivery of your Purpose.

2) Round 1 - In this Round you begin with 234 values to select from...
Why 234? - Am I Limited to only these values?

234? -I'd like to tell you that there is something mystical or scientific about the number 234... it is sequential- 2, 3, 4 - Look, my educational background is Engineering, one night I woke-up and had this vision of words, columns, rows and boxes. I transformed that vision (Notion, Idea or Thought) into a simple and repeatable process of elimination (Physical Equivalence). Life is all about the choices opportunities that we face; the things we choose to Do and the things that we choose Not to Do. The method then, of choosing a unique set of values which identify WHO you need to become in order to deliver your Desire of Purpose, could be no different. It had to be all about choices and choices require elimination.

No, you are not limited to the 234 values included in the exercise. Remember, You are Responsible for the Development and Delivery of your unique Desire of Purpose. This means that You are FREE to choose, and must use, every resource that becomes available to you. If you recognize a value missing, that you believe must be added... add it as a 'wild card'. It is Your OneGR8Life, you have been invited to: Dream it, Create it, Live it! It is all about, YOU!

3) You are going to utilize this exercise at various point through-out your life...
Can you share examples of this?

You have read many times my usage and application of the term REBOOT. So let's make a short list of circumstances we all experience in our lives that we could categorize as a REBOOT event...

-The change from High School life, to Collegiate Life: a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Completion of College Life, to beginning of Professional Life: a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Completion of College Life, to beginning of Post Grad Life; a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-From Single Life, to beginning of Married Life; a REBOOT event? Yes or No.
-Career Advancement or Career Directional change; a REBOOT event?  Yes or No.
-Married Life to Family Life... What about the news of twins; a REBOOT Event? Yes or No.

Here we have 6 Reboot events and for most of us we haven't even cleared 30yrs old
... Should we keep going?
-What if Married Life doesn't quite turn-out as you had hoped; a REBOOT Event?
-How about life altering illness or injury or the sudden loss of a Loved one; a REBOOT Event?
-What a about Job Loss / Bankruptcy / Foreclosure; a REBOOT Event?

As you can see, there are many circumstances which you routinely, expected or unexpectedly, will face in life where REBOOT is necessary. So, Fear Not... Everybody REBOOTS!

My delivery of the SYNC Exercise to you, has Improved your Human Condition. I AM very happy about this!! In Faith and Love, I hope that you will add it to your daily arsenal of OneGR8Life tools, along with your Map to Obtainment

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The next Obtainment stepping stone... Discover - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation to Overcome Restraints.

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OneGR8Life: Delivered 2x Weekly, Tuesday and Thursday.
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

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