Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Achieve: Grateful ME!

As you continue to expand the use of the OneGR8Life Happiness Placement, you ignite the Ambition to continually Rejuvenate your Desire, to SYNC your external desire with our internal Character Virtues, to harness your determination through the isolation of Intention and Motive, to set your passion upon the service of Improvement of the Human Condition, to focus your activities with intentions and tap into your powerful sense of Achievement. Arming yourself with the OneGR8Life Happiness Placemat, delivers to you a life-long ritual of continuous improvement towards the delivery of your Highest Human Potential.  The utilization of this single tool reveals the abundance of Happiness and presents to you the significance of how important and powerful it is to Dream, Create and Live in harmony with the Divine Design of the Universe. With placemat in hand, it is now time to say, Thanks!

Gratitude, let me tell you; is transformative. I often recall Meister Eckhart’s powerful thought when he said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life, is Thank-You; that will be enough.

This I can tell you with lifelong confidence…

Being Grateful is by far the
single most powerful thing
you can do to change your life.

This ability to change your life is available to you at ANY moment! When You allow yourself to enter the moment and feel Gratitude, wherever you are, whatever is going on in the present moment, in the flow or being tossed in the uncertainty of a life altering event, what I promise you is that the Spiritual dimension of your life will change. In your moments of Gratitude you WILL open up and it WILL expand and you WILL grow with it. It works this way… the more that you are grateful for, the more that comes to you for you to be grateful for.

- Even disaster brings with it
the component of gratitude,
of rebirth, of rejuvenation. -  

When the messenger of misery comes to visit - What are you going to do? What will keep you in the game? If you can see no other hope, grab on to the rope of gratitude! Even if your last remaining hope is found in the opportunity to experience change. For this will, without failure, brings to you new Dreams of thought, followed by increased opportunity to Create action, which promotes new thoughts immediately followed by new wants to Live, and to fulfill your Desire of Purpose.

In closing, you find the trail which leads to the delivery of your Destiny starts by being grateful. When you appreciate all that you have in life, your ego steps out of the way, inviting even greater abundance into your OneGR8Life.

Come on now, Give it go… Acknowledge your perfectly, imperfect surroundings. Initiate your practice of gratitude for your life as a human being – for the air you breathe, for your magnificent body, and the beauty of being alive – this is a wonderful place to start. Spend a moment taking stock of everything in your life that you are grateful for. At first you may think of just a few things. But as you continue reflecting, you realize that there is So Much More. The ability to breath, the experience of your senses, the steady beat of your heart, the love of those around you, all these are simple things in life, that come to you effortlessly and yet in many ways they are miracles that happen over, and over, and over, each day. From this point of view, you can expand your gratitude outward, like ripples in a still pond, appreciating everything and everyone you encounter; recognizing the beauty and joy which fills your life.

The highest form of Gratitude is an appreciation for existence itself. We are each blessed with the opportunity to experience life. When you say, Thank-You for what you have, you acknowledge all that the Universe has given to you. And then you will begin to see, more shows up.

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NEXT UP:  Achieve: Closure. That’s right! We have reached the end of the OneGR8Life series. What happens next? Something! Sorry, no hints - I just know that you do not want to miss out. Today, in a spirit of gratitude allow me to Thank-You!

MINDFUL MOMENTS (Take Away Thoughts…)
I have spent time contemplating the questions, What Do I Want? WHO am I? Aligning myself with a deeper understanding of what I truly want in this lifetime and the unique character virtures that I choose to utilize in the delivery of my Highest Human Potential. Today I have been invited to consider the simple practice of gratitude as a transformational act that opens me to infinite abundance, boundless love, and carries me to a place of deep peace. When I put the activities of my life on ‘pause’ for just a moment, and marvel in the miracle of this OneGR8Life I AM living, I begin to exchange my entire experience. Gratitude is the doorway to Abundance. In Stillness of prayer or meditation, I invite the energy of gratitude into my daily life. Here I AM granted the ability to turn dark into light, scarcity into abundance, and fear into love. When I focus on the things that I AM grateful for, I open and accept life as it is; Perfectly, Imperfect. In gratitude my ego steps out of the way, enabling me to connect more deeply with the spirit, my true self and the Source of all those things that have manifested in my life. In Gratitude, I Can, I Will, Dream, Create and Live my OneGR8Life!
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OneGR8Life, Delivered Weekly - Tuesdays.
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!

To Learn More… Stop in for a visit @ www.OneGR8Life.com

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