Tuesday, September 2, 2014


“It is Your AMBITION,
Your Willingness to Serve,
which Differentiates Your Greatness as
a Successful Person.
In Your OneGR8Life, You are Called to
Discover and Deliver Your Greatness.”
~Phillip A. Lopez

Mission and Goal; INTENTION releases PHENOMENAL!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been engaging in a fairly active conversation, Creating Phenomenal. Before we get into today's post, It is important to me that you recognize that this conversation has a primary mission; To Improve the Human Condition, Specifically, Yours! Nothing more, Nothing less.

The goal of this conversation, is to add value to your life and to assist in your Creation of Phenomenal. Where does Phenomenal exist?
Phenomenal is engineered; as a repeatable life-style patterned to produce self-sustained Joy and Happiness. We use this life-style pattern for the development and transformation of your OneGR8Life; to Dream it, Create it, Live it! In this transformation we are able to focus the intention of the Human Operating System (HOS), towards the Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential.

The Event of Life...

We have shared the fact that each life has an embedded and deliverable, Purpose. The agents of Intended delivery are Courage and the Action of Intended Purpose. Intended Purpose supports our very existence through the creators allowance for each of us to Be, Do or Have anything which we desire; That, every Human Being has been given the Divine right to pursuit and deliver Something. This pursuit enhances life through mission. It then becomes our duty to uncover the Dream of Purpose, to Create it, and Live it!

The question of the ages is HOW?!?

The Process...

I have dedicated my purpose to understand HOW?!?  For 30+ years I have attempted to answer this question; I have not been disappointed! As with every opportunity of question, we are delivered an answer. It is my Intention to outline a repeatable and reusable process for the Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential.

Who might be most interested in this shared message?
  • If you think that You have much more to offer, if you could only figure out HOW?!? You will be interested!
  • If you are employed and you are attempting to navigate your career, and you need to figure out HOW?!? You will be interested!
  • If you are self-employed and you are fighting the good fight but, are wondering HOW?!? do I sustain Purpose, Joy and Happiness… You will be interested!
  • Recently Divorced and you are bewildered with HOW?!? You will be interested!
  • Faced with a major life altering event and HOW?!? looms like a dark cloud… You will be interested!
  • New to College and reality is pounding at the door, where HOW?!? is upon you like a nightmare...You will be interested!

Know anybody that fits any of these profiles? Invite them to join us!

What’s in it for you? There are a couple of key components, I need to make sure we have a keen understanding of... So here is the post lay-out for next three weeks…

         Today, 09/02 - Intention
         Week 2, 09/09 -- Obtainment, defined
         Week 3, 09/16 --- Obtainment, A Map of Value Proposition.

Intention Rules the Universe…

There should be little doubt in our minds surrounding the truth of this statement. As it is The Creator's intention that all human life obtain their Highest Potential; The Creator has placed every living thing, at the footsteps of mankind. As reinforcement, in the spirit of Intended Accomplishment, The Creator then embellishes mankind with the greatest of all gifts... The Freedom of Choice.

That mankind inherit the responsibility of free choice, represents unchangeable support and confidence, in the Creator's desire that we are to solve for HOW?!? and to achieve our Highest Potential. This extends to the responsibility of every human to uncover and deliver their unique Purpose. You must understand that it is Your earthly duty to Choose 'anything' which You Desire to Be, Do or Have and, to deliver this choice.

I know, it seems pretty unfathomable...  Anything?

ANYTHING!!!  - Pretty remarkable...  Don't you agree?

Support of this fundamental comes through the Natural Laws of Physics and Meta-Physics... Newton's Laws of Action/Reaction, Cause and Effect, Motion and Equilibrium; even the natural Law of Attraction.

Creating Phenomenal, is a Process, not an Event  - Is there any doubt that, this is Your OneGR8Life? That you are responsible to Dream it, Create it, Live it? That You are responsible for -the development of your life; the irreplaceable usage of time for, -the discovery and delivery of purpose? to self-sustain Joy and Happiness? 

Yes, It is on You to figure out... HOW?!?

Join us next week  --  Obtainment, Defined...

If you are finding this to be helpful, beneficial and effective -
then, invite a friend to join us...

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OneGR8Life - Weekly; Tuesday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition - Specifically, Yours!

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Authored by: Phillip A. Lopez
CREATING PHENOMENAL ~How to Dream, Create, Live, Your One Great Life.

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