Tuesday, January 27, 2015

5 Questions to Resolve, Desire of Purpose.

“In every Human Being, whether
emperor or cowboy, prince or pauper, philosopher or slave,
there is a mysterious something,
which he neither understands nor controls.
It may lie dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten.
It may be so repressed that the man supposes it was dead.
But one night, he is alone in the desert, under the starry sky;
One day he stands with bowed head and damp eyes beside
an open grave or, there comes an hour when he
clings with desperate instinct
to the wet rail of a storm-tossed boat, and suddenly,
out of the forgotten depths of his being,
this mysterious something leaps forth.
It over-reaches habit, it pushes aside reason,
and, with a voice that WILL NOT be denied,
it cries out its questioning and its prayer.”
                              ~Bruce Barton
                                                      What Can a Man Believe - 1927

The Source of Real Desires and Riches...
It took me near 30+ years of research, trial and error, to find the truth and hidden riches of these words by Bruce Barton. These words have to be the most powerful collection assembled to open our next discussion;
DISCOVER - Infinite Inspiration and Motivation.

In this discussion, what’s in it for you? The Obtainment of your Highest Human Potential will percolate from this source. As you will see, the discovery of and delivery of your Desire of Purpose, is what drives #CreatingPhenomenal. If You stop to review your Map to Obtainment, you will soon come to realize that Obtainment is a Value Proposition. Ambition initiates the energy flow of value, springing forth with WHO and then transforms into WHAT, followed by WHY; and only then can we exchange it for HOW. The increasing Proposition streams from, the opportunity to Be, Do, or Give more by simply becoming more... recognize 'now', that the more you give, the more you become eligible to receive.

You are today in your current circumstance because of the What thoughts, and experiences, that have carried you to this point; to this day. You can be no more and be no less than what you currently know. Twenty pages from now you will be in possession of infinitely more knowledge. When this occurs the universe will have the privilege of expecting more from you. You see it is very simple; where much is given, much is expected in return.

Thus, to Obtain your Desire of Purpose, new things will be required of you; you must expand your understanding in order to carry ‘new’ thoughts. The current goal remains to transform these new thoughts and ideas into Purpose. Yes, the delivery of your Desire of Purpose will require new thoughts of faith, transformed into courageous acts. At this particular point in your #CreatingPhenomenal cycle, you must have faith to believe that which you do not, yet,  fully understand. You must grow your knowledge such that, you no longer believe that your own limitations, your current self-limiting thoughts, are the proper measure of your limitations.

Recall, our earlier statement...

In my OneGR8Life,
it is my responsibility,
it is my duty,
to BE or to DO, or to GIVE
Anything that I Desire!

It would serve you well to memorize this statement as the first Principle towards #CreatingPhenomenal. Primary is it’s usage in the Obtainment of Highest Human Potential.

If you stopped reading right here and spent the rest of your life simply applying this single Principle, you would have a tough time not stumbling across the finish line with Desires satisfied and Riches attained. But, 'attainment' is not what we are after. 'Obtainment' of Highest Human Potential remains as our Desire of intentional focus. So let’s march on. It is significant that we understand the origin of your Desires and ultimately uncover the method to transform this thought of desire into meaningful Purpose.

5 Questions of Receivership...
In your discovery and transformation of #CreatingPhenomenal, there are 5 questions used to resolve, Desire of Purpose. These are the questions of self-receivership. My hope is that you would record these questions and initiate their response in a journal. Your journal can be as simple as a smart-phone 'notes' titled, My OneGR8Life. It is critical that you reflect on these questions and resolve yourself to a reply.

Here are the 5 Questions of Self-Receivership:
  1. Who am I?  //  Which core virtues do I intrinsically hold, within, as the core fabric of my being.
  2. What am I feeling? // You've been thinking all along that You have so much more to offer... NOW, is the time to close your eyes and capture your deepest feeling of that future achievement. Preserve this feeling: memorizing the path you took to create it, WILL allow you to return to it; as your future will require it.
  3. What am I seeing as my Passion? //  How can I serve...
  4. What am I wanting to Be, or Do, or Give?  //  Before I depart the face of the earth, I am compelled to deliver...
  5. What is my Purpose?  //  A statement of summary - an external radiation from within, a notion, idea, or thought, which becomes your Desire of Purpose; your object of transformation into it’s physical equivalence.

Keep your mind clear!  Avoid the anxiety of attempting to resolve for HOW?!? Give yourself permission to Dream, to Create, to Live. The focus of this exercise is Who and What, Only!

Remain Calm... The answer to these questions may be buried so deep, that they may seem to have been dismissed or, may have lied dormant for so long as to be almost forgotten, or may be so repressed that you suppose they were dead.

Rejoice and be filled with Gratitude... The more energy that you Give to resolve your Desire of Purpose, the more energy you will Receive to deliver your Desire of Purpose!

  So, find your moment of stillness, create your environment of prayer or meditation… Ask and receive your Desire of Purpose. Move in confidence ~ You have been encoded from birth to resolve these questions.

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OneGR8Life - Delivered Weekly; Tuesday
Dedicated to Improving the Human Condition... Specifically, Yours!

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Authored by: Phillip A. Lopez
#CreatingPhenomenal ~ Learn How to Dream, Create, Live, Your One Great Life.

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